

All eyes on employability


On September 25th 2023, we have reached another milestone and celebrated 30 years of Expertise in Labour Mobility! Together with several international experts, we’ve celebrated with various friends and colleagues which made it a day to remember. As the internationalisation of Higher Education has played an evolving role in the past 30 years, the event started off with presentations of several international experts, introduced by Katie Orr, who shed their light on the future of mobility.

The founding father of International Education and former Vice President of Michigan State University, John Hudzik, was the first to take the mic at #ELM30 – The Impact of Mobility to speak about “The rise and fall of Internationalisation in Higher Education” where he brought attention to the importance of intercultural knowledge and the gaps of what the labour market needs versus what higher education delivers.

The Director of Knowledge Development and Research of #EAIE, Dr Laura Rumbley, spoke at #ELM30 – The Impact of Mobility about “The greater good of Internationalisation of Higher Education”. She tackled the labour mobility experience from a fascinating personal perspective including its challenges.

Dr Arnim Heinemann, University of Bayreuth, President of SGroup was the next speaker to speak at #ELM30  – The Impact of Mobility. He spoke about “International Academic Talent Attraction” and transcontinental mobility regarding research, internships, and the connection to industry.

The Vice President of JP Morgan, Stuart Jehan, presented at #ELM30 – The Impact of Mobility. He took us on an engaging journey about “The Employer view on Employability” highlighting what gets a job candidate (aka your students!) hired.

Darla Deardorff of #AIEA spoke at #ELM30  – The Impact of Mobility about “Employability, Culture and Internationalisation”. In Darla’s engaging way she talked about intercultural dimensions and emerging trends.

Dr Joep Hofhuis of Erasmus University was the last featured speaker to speak at #ELM30  – The Impact of Mobility about research that shows domestic students gain even more from international classrooms than international students. That does highlight the question “Who benefits most” from mobility. Food for thought from the final #ELM30 speaker  – who BTW started his career as an intern at Expertise in Labour Mobility.

Then it was celebration time! The event continued with some music, delicious bites (e.g. “bitterballen”) and drinks, and lots of catching up which made the closing of the event much more memorable! What will we do for the 40th? Any guesses?

To access the other pictures that were taken – by the photographer Carel van Hees – at the event, click the button below!

@ELM Team